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Restructuring and extension of the Grenier d’Abondance rehearsal space and production of sets for the Opéra National du Rhin

Client: Ville de Strasbourg – SERS

Programme: Restructuring of the historic building

Surface: 3 200  m²

Budget: 5M € + VAT

Mission: complete mission, RT 2005


The program involves restructuring the historic building known as the “grenier d’abondance” in the historic heart of Strasbourg, between the prefecture, city hall and military governor. In this particularly sensitive context, the work consisted in developing the space to create rehearsal rooms identical to those existing in the Opera House, set workshops with laboratories and kitchens, singing rooms including a choir room, and a dance hall.


The building comprises two parts: the first, a 15th-century vestige, and the second, completely rebuilt. The attic facade had to be reconstructed in the style of a historical monument, in order to restore the original openings.


The rear section is a contemporary graft of modest classicism, opening onto a large, luminous plateau. A copper dome covers this second body, creating the height needed to support the powerful choirs.