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Given the narrowness of the Rue du Nord, this development seeks to create a ‘breathing space’. On the one hand, the buildings are set back from the alignments to create a planted area that acts as a buffer to the cramped public space. Secondly, the project is structured in the form of 5 blocks that create transparency between the street and the garden.

Client: SIEMP

Programme: Creation of 13 homes and 4 workshops for musicians

Surface: 1 007 m²

Budget: 1 866 500 € + VAT

Certification : HQE


The connection to the adjoining buildings takes into account the respective gauges of the existing buildings.


All of the artists ‘studios have been grouped together in a single building, allowing for rationalisation and savings in construction costs, a clearer programme and a more effective approach to acoustics, in particular by avoiding noise transmission between musicians’ studios and housing.


The homes are divided into 4 blocks comprising 3 or 4 units with direct access from the outside, and have the characteristics and scale of grouped townhouses or intermediate housing.


All of the homes have through-planning and, without exception, benefit from outdoor spaces, terraces or gardens.


A sustainable development approach is being implemented, and H.Q.E. targets have been set.


Generally speaking, we wanted to give this project a very strong plant presence: gardens and planters are planned and delivered planted. Climbing plants are planted at the foot of the façades so that they can grow over them. The artists’ studios have been fitted with stainless steel cables to support the growth of vegetation.